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[곤충][나비목][갈고리좀나방과] 검은점좀나방

by 곤충 정보 2024. 1. 16.


- 목명 : 나비목 ( Lepidoptera )
- 과명 : 갈고리좀나방과 ( Ypsolophidae )
- 학명 : Ypsolopha nigrimaculatus Byun & Park, 2001

- 명명자명 : Byun & Park

- 특징
Wingspan, 22~25 mm. Head covered with rough creamy dark brown scales. Forewing with apex acutely expanded outwardly, castaneous brown; dorsal area and distal quarter grayish purple, speckled with dark fuscous scales; a broad, lanceolate, silvery white longitudinal streak well presented from base to end of cell reaching near 2/3 of costa, slightly covering about 1/3 of forewing in width, the lower margin being near straight and slightly turned upward at its apex, upper margin gently arched downwardly; slightly suffused with blackish brown along upper margin of streak, with a distinct dark fuscous spot at near end of cell; cilia castaneous-brown, maculated with longitudinal gray lines along veins of distal area; a whitish suffusion from costa just before apex, towards end of white streak; distal half dark brown near apex and along termen, becoming paler towards tornus; dorsum gray. Hindwing gray, gradually paler towards base; cilia pale gray, grayish-ochreous near base.

- 성충(수)
Tegumen wide, well-sclerotized; uncus rather long bilobed; gnathos rather long, paralell laterally, with rounded apex, bearing numerous tiny spinules. Valva large, ovate; costa strongly bent beyond middle, heavily sclerotized; sacculus fairly long and strong; saccus very narrow, as long as 2/3 of uncus. Aedeagus as long as 4/5 of length of valva, broad, almost curved; cornuti composed of several strong spine-like setae, one of them as long as half of aedeagus; ductus ejaculatus swollen, rounded, near base. Superficially, the male genitalia are very similar to that of Y. strigosus (Butler), but they can be distinguished by the following characters of the new species: uncus somewhat strong, thick; tegumen very well sclrotized and definely presented; valva rather long and broder, with stronger costa; saccus slightly longer than that of the latter; aedeagus nearly straight with a thick base, while Y. strigosus (Butler) is gently curved at middle with somewhat narrow base and depressed dorsally.

- 성충(암)
Segmental membrane between papillae anales and 8th abdominal segment extremely long, 2 times as long as of corpulatrix, greatly extended. Lamella postvaginalis with an indistinct V-shaped sclerotization. Apophysis anterioris about half of apophysis posterioris in length. Ostium bursae narrow, rounded; antrum almost parallel-sided; ductus bursae as long as 2/3 of corpus bursae, one twisted near ostium bursae, broader towards corpus bursae, slightly twisted at 1/4 and near entrance of corpus bursae; corpus bursae very large, but smaller than that of Y. strigosus, ovate, folded once distally; inception of ductus seminalis just before antrum; accessory bursae small, half of corpus bursae in size, attaching near 2/3 of corpus bursae distally; Signum cone-shaped in outline, strongly sclerotized horizontally on middle, with one ridge medially.

- 참고사항
The new species is very similar to Y. strigosus (B.) superficially, but it can be distinguished by the longitudinal white streak ending at 2/3 of forewing and a distinctly presented dark fuscous dot at the end of the white streak.

- 생태
성충은 계방산 등과 같은 산림지역에서 8월경에 주로 출현하며, 현재까지 알려진 기주식물은 없다.

- 출현수 : 1

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